Take Control of your practice with the unsurpassed office automation
system. CliniMed Integrated Smart System
™ (CliniMed ISS
™). Since its inception in 1989, CliniMed
revolutionized the paperless office of today. CliniMed ISS ™ is a Unique, Multi-user system created for any size practice, clinic or center. CliniMed ISS ™ offers a proven clinical environment. CliniMed
ISS™ is designed for Small , Medium
or large Medical practice with a minimum of 3 concurrent users.
ISS™ runs exclusively on a dedicated
File Server with multi-user operating systems such as Novel Or NT/2000
Servers platforms. CliniMed ISS ™ Offers:
Please Contact CliniMed Marketing & Sales at (315) 432-0384 for Pricing information.
For a FREE copy of CliniMed™ Interactive Demo, fill out the form reached by clicking on this button:
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