My Health Alert™!!! Another unique product by CliniMed®.

My Health Alert™
is a life saving flashmedia
device built
in the form of a bracelet
This device can be plugged in to any USB port on a Notebook or PC
to communicate
your Identity and pertinent medical information in the time
My Health Alert™ by CliniMed®
has an extremely user friendly interface to
capture your medical
information. My Health Alert™ by CliniMed®
is synonymous
with " Help " it is also
recognized by many First Responders such as EMTs
Firefighters, Police and Medical
Personnel nationwide.

My Health Alert™ by CliniMed®
is simple, reliable and most cost-effective
Health Alert™ Highlights:
- The CliniMed® My Health Alert™ is a Personal Mini Electronic
Medical Records Manager, that is used to manage your Medical
information. This state
of the art enterprise computing technology device uses the USB port on
any Laptop or PC to auto-launch the My Health Alert™ Software, thus
allowing first responders to attend to the most urgent medical
conditions. (Microsoft Windows XP or 2000 versions Only, Macintosh
version currently not available). The CliniMed® My
Health Alert™ is extremely
simple to setup
your medical information. Individuals with limited computer exposure
about its User friendliness through the self-guiding pop up screens.
The CliniMed® My Health Alert™ enables the user to capture: Demographics,
Medical Alerts, Contact Information, Medications, Allergies, Doctor's
visit, Immunizations, Family history, and much more. As with any of
CliniMed® Products, Your Personal Medical Record is
secure, encrypted
and only accessible through your consent.
- Demographics, Medical Alert, Contact Information and
a basic Clinical chart.
This combo screen contains your most important medical information and
conditions for any emergency. This information appears every
time the CliniMed® My Health Alert™ USB device is plugged in a PC or
Laptop. The CliniMed® program is auto invoked and all
your information
is displayed. Modification is only allowed by using your
- Backup
Back up is prompted at the end of every session with security
notification. All the information you collect with My Health
alert™ can be backed up to a
private location on your hard drive
or it can be left on the device itself with an auto-backup feature.
- Report Printing
All of the CliniMed® My Health Alert™ information can easily be printed by emergency
responders or your primary care physician.
- Integration / Synchronization with existing CliniMed
systems Products
The CliniMed® My Health Alert™, can import one’s Medical record from the
following CliniMed® Electronic Medical Records Managers:
CliniMed Physician Companion™,
CliniMed Office Suite™,
Integrated Smart System™ and
CliniMed resource scheduling™.
My Health Alert™ Benefits:
- Huge Cost Benefit Ratio
- Fast emergency respond for patient's care
- Miniscule cost per device
- Ease of Use
for a
limited time only, You may acquire the ultimate
EMS standard Flashband ( In White Or Orange ) or Flash Key-
chain with the My Health Alert™ software by CliniMed® at an introductory cost
of $49 for one device or Two devices for $89 (plus
$8.99 for shipping and handling ).
To order, call (315) 432-0384
(Microsoft Windows XP or
2000 versions Only, Macintosh version currently not available)
© 2000
CliniMed Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
CliniMed® is a registered trademark of CliniMed Systems, Incorporated
6700 Old Collamer
Rd., East Syracuse, N.Y. 13057
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